Chicago Waffles

Chicago Waffles is Now Open for Dinner!

29 Sep

Are you sick of the same old Chicago dinner options from the same old Chicago restaurants? We get it. That’s why we have expanded our hours to include dinner service at our 1400 S. Michigan Avenue location. Forget about tired menu items from boring establishments. Here’s a small taste of what we have in store […]


Get Your Favorite Morning Cocktails Now at Our Michigan Location

15 Sep

Brunch, as many of you know, is an essential part of any Chicago weekend. We may be biased, but we truly feel that breakfast and brunch are the best meals of the day! Now, we’re taking steps to make your mornings EVEN BETTER by adding drinks to the menu at our Michigan Avenue location. Can […]


Elevate Your Chicago Labor Day Brunch

22 Aug

Chicago, are you ready for a long weekend of Labor Day celebrations?  We sure are, and we want to share that excitement with all of you! Allow us to help you elevate your Chicago Labor Day brunch experience with some of our most delectable offerings.   With all of the exciting events happening around town, you’re […]


Our Favorite Comfort Foods for Fall in Chicago

12 Oct

It’s fall in Chicago! As the weather continues to cool, and everyone is getting into the seasonal spirit, we thought we would too by sharing some of our favorite fall-themed and hearty comfort foods from our menu.  While we and our loyal customers know that you can’t go wrong with any of the items on […]


Why Dining Out Makes People Happier

4 Oct

We all love eating out from time to time, but have you ever stopped to wonder why?  What is it exactly about dining out that makes us so happy? It’s an intriguing question with even more intriguing answers.  In fact, researches have conducted studies on this very question. Both researches and diners alike have made […]


Health Benefits of Omelets

27 Sep

Just in case you haven’t caught on yet, we’re breakfast crazy here at Chicago Waffles!  We just love everything about it – from the sweet to the savory, to the healthy and indulgent.  And, there are so many great breakfast food items to choose from. But, in this post, we’re talking about one of our […]


Celebrating Our First Year in West Loop

22 Sep

We are so thrilled to be celebrating Chicago Waffles’ one year anniversary in our West Loop location and so thankful for all of our loyal customers, new friends, and neighbors.  This time last year, we were gearing up to bring our magnificent South Loop menu to all of you here in the West Loop at […]


Top Characteristics of a Great Catering Service

15 Sep

A great, successful catering service requires a very specific set of honed skills – not unlike that of our catering crew here at Chicago Waffles!  Each occasion and event presents its own challenges, from setting the menu, to cooking, to dealing with marketing, accounting and customer relations.  Fortunately, our clients can vouch for our ability […]


The Health Benefits of Eating a Larger Lunch

7 Sep

Eating habits are different for everyone depending on their fuel requirements throughout the day and of course their hectic schedules.  But, for most Americans, the meal plan looks something like this: A light or skipped breakfast, a small lunch, and a large dinner. Does this sound familiar?   Though this is typical for most here […]


6 Healthy Things You Should Do to Start Your Day Before Breakfast

1 Sep

As you may have already gathered just from our name, we believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  So, even for those most stressful days when things get a little chaotic, it’s important to fuel up to get your body and brain ready for the challenges of the day ahead.  But, […]