Chicago Waffles

This year I will eat only the best waffles

2020 we will not remember for good. The global pandemic instantly changed the life we knew. We can say that all of humanity has been put to the test. The test that we hope to pass successfully. And more importantly, that will teach us some new things or remind us of the important ones. Maybe this could be one of our New Year’s Resolutions.

However, we are pretty sure, that each of you had some beautiful things from last year that he wants to remember. The things of life. Perhaps that is one of the most important lessons for us. Lessons we once knew, and now we need to remind of them. Let’s ask ourselves if we have forgotten those little things that make life happy. The most beautiful thing in life is that every situation, even every temptation, can be the starting point of something new.

New Year brings us new chances. Promising opportunities to change some things in our lives that we don’t like. New Year’s Resolutions are already a well-known thing to us all. More or less successful, they are our driving force at the beginning of each year to try to change something, or to persevere in something good that we have done. And did you know that the ancient Babylonians are said to have been the first people to make New Year’s resolutions, some 4,000 years ago?

During the Akitu festival, the ancient Babylonians would plant crops, crown a new king (or pledge their loyalty to the reigning king), and make promises to the gods to pay their debts and return any borrowed items. They believed that depending on their promise, the gods would be kind to them.

The Romans are said to be the first to create the concept of January 1st and designate it the first day of the year, beginning around 46 B.C. January named for Janus, the two-faced god whose spirit inhabited doorways and arches, had special significance for the Romans. Janus could look back on past events and forward to the future. Janus became the ancient symbol for resolutions. Many Romans began a tradition of swapping gifts on New Year’s Eve by giving one another branches from sacred trees for good fortune.

John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist Church, started Watch Night Services on New Year’s Eve 1740, which was a time for people to confess sins. It was also an opportunity for people to promise to do their best not to repeat the same mistakes. We could say that these are the first modern New Year’s resolutions. Today they have nothing to do with religion but represent our promise most often directed to ourselves. No matter how faithful we dwell to them, every year people make New Year’s resolutions. A Boston newspaper from 1813 featured the first recorded use of the phrase ‘New Year resolution‘.

Our New Year’s resolution is that we will continue to make the most delicious, crunchy and juiciest waffles to allow you to enjoy your favorite flavors all year long. The satisfaction of our clients is what drives us to be even better. Wishing you a happy and healthier New Year, we hope that you will make most of your New Year’s resolutions.



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