Chicago Waffles


Rise and shine, Chicago!


Location: South Loop – 1400 S Michigan Ave, Chicago


Lights, camera, WAFFLES! That’s right, mark your calendars for March 25th because your favorite neighborhood spot is hitting the small screen! We’re flipping and serving up delicious FREE waffles from 6:45 to 9:30 AM, right outside our cozy little abode.

Swing by our place, but here’s the twist – it’s a FREE waffle-on-the-go affair!

Our waffle wizards will be stationed right in front of the restaurant, dishing out hot, crispy goodness to all you lovely folks passing by.

It’s a strictly to-go operation, folks!



So spread the word, tell your neighbors, your dog walker, even that guy who always seems to be jogging by! Let’s make March 25th the most waffly-tastic day ever! See you at the front lines, waffle warriors!

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